
how do you get points?

 Jul 23, 2014

Best Answer 


I feel like you should be rewarded for answering even the most trivial questions i mean you never know some people dont know what 2+3 is?

 Jul 24, 2014

Mainly...by answering questions.....we like correct answers, but, if you make a good effort, we often reward that, too!!!

We also give some points for just "goofing off"....especially if you're witty or you provide us with some deep thoughts for the day !!!!


 Jul 23, 2014

I usually only give points for answers with good explanations.  

That doesn't always mean that they have to be correct but it does mean that you have attempted a question that you serioulsy thought you could answer and that you have explained your steps.

If a person gives a correct answer but with no explanatin I don't usually give points for that because it does not help anyone to learn anything.

I would not give points for questions such as 2+3 because these are not serious questions. (they are 'snark' questions) If people want to play with them that is fine.  But there should be no points involved.

I really enjoy watching the fun threads, I would never want to stop people from playing on the forum but I do not believe that people should get any points for it unless it is of exceptional quality.  For instance,  Rosala puts a lot of effort into her 'wraps' and they entertain a lot of people so i would give her points for that but I would not usually give any points for all the fun that follows on that thread.

I have a vision for this forum.  I want it to be a fun place to be, but i want the people who give proper mathematical answers to be given the credit that they deserve.  This is first and foremost a place of learning.  Learning should be fun but the credit (points) should mainly go to the serious teachers.  

This is my opinion.


 Jul 24, 2014

...What she said.....


 Jul 24, 2014

CPhill has a slightly different attitude to me.  That is ok.  

We get on really well and it is good that we have differerent attitudes sometimes.  

If people all thought the same about everything the world would be very boring!

I love to watch the fun that goes on between CPhill and his 'rat pack'.

 Jul 24, 2014
Best Answer

I feel like you should be rewarded for answering even the most trivial questions i mean you never know some people dont know what 2+3 is?

zegroes Jul 24, 2014

Zegroes that is only your thinking , that some people dont know what is 2+3 ,!but according to me and the truth 100%(or 99)of the world knows whats 2+3, i think u might sometimes get  confused with whats 2+3 , 5 or 4!Thats why yor saying " some people dont know what 2+3 is?"!

And Melody thats correct , these kind of answers like whats 2+3 shouldnt get points because they dont worth it!and 3 points is no less!

 Jul 24, 2014

You get points if you are a member of this website. You get points IF you answer questions or when you ask a question (Again: That is if you are a member).

 Jul 24, 2014

Rosala dont be an apple shiner be an apple eater

 Jul 25, 2014

Thanks for the advice !but......................the apple we are talking about out here is rotten and im sorry i cant enjoy the taste of  a rotten apple!

 Jul 25, 2014

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