
how many positive integers less than 400 are divisible by both 7 and 11?


how many perfect squares less than 1000 have a ones digit of 2, 3 or 4?


a solar system contains four planets and a sun as shown. planet A completes an orbit around the sun in 20 months; planet B completes an orbit in 36 months; planet C completes an orbit in 40 months; and planet D completes an orbit in 48 months. If the four planets lie along a straight line in May of the year 2000, what is the next year that they will again lie along the same line? Assume that the orbits are circular and that a year has exactly 12 months.

 Sep 15, 2022

1) If it is divisible by 7 and 11, it must be divisible by \(\text{lcm}(7, 11) = 77\)


Can you take it from here?

 Sep 15, 2022

2) No number can be squared and have a ones digit of 2 or 3. 


The only way it can have a last digit of 4 is if the number ends in 2 (2, 12, and 22). 


So there are \(\color{brown}\boxed{3}\) numbers that work. 

 Sep 15, 2022

3) find the lcm of 20, 36, 40, and 48. 


You should get it from there.

 Sep 15, 2022
edited by BuilderBoi  Sep 15, 2022



Number 2) is incomplete in the above answer. 

A square also can end in 4 if its root ends in 8. 


Namely:    8,  18,  28  


So, counting the three that end in 2, there are a total of 6.  


 Sep 16, 2022

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