
How many seven-digit positive integers satisfy the following conditions?

The integer contains the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6  and 7 exactly once each.

The numbers 1,2 and3  appear in that order within the digits of the number. (They do not need to be consecutive digits.)

For example, two such integers are 7162534  and 1245673


 Aug 9, 2022

Not great at these counting problems but here's my best attempt


Choose  any 3 of 7 positions for the digits 1,2,3  =  C(7,3)  = 35


For the other positions the other digits can be arranged in 4! =  24 ways


So....the total number of integers =     35 * 24  =   840


cool cool cool

 Aug 9, 2022

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