How many times do the two hands of a clock point in the same direction between 6:00 am and 6:00 pm of a single day?
@zegroes:/ The minute hand moves through 12 times faster than the hour hand. In the 'x' number of times, both of them, for a split second, point in the same direction. This obviously occurs more than once.
that -3 tho.....I was actually trying..... I thought it was like a stupid trick question
"Between" 6AM and 6PM it occurs 11 times
1 time between 6AM and 7AM 1 time between 1PM and 2 PM
1 time between 7AM and 8AM 1 time between 2PM and 3 PM
1 time between 8AM and 9AM 1 time between 3PM and 4PM
1 time between 9AM and 10AM 1 time between 4PM and 5 PM
1 time between 10AM and 11AM 1 time between 5PM and 6PM
1 time {at noon}
I think I can do it in algebra.
Let,s say that two hands of a clock are two men and having a race,and the total distance of the race is 1
A men run 1/60 of the race in one minute ,so he run 1/*(60*60)=1/3600 of race in one second
and other men run 1/12 of the race in one hour ,so he run 1/720 in one minute and run 1/43200 in one second Now,suppose the clock are moving form 6:00 am to 7:00 am.
so the second men (hands) are starting at the half way of the distance -1/2
and If after x second ,the two men meet (in the same direction)
then we can set an equation as
so if the clock move from 6:00 am to 7:00 am, the two hands will meet between 6:32 43 and 6:32 44
to calculate when the two hands in the same direction, just put other value instead of 1/2 into the formula
hopefully this help.
Here's a graphical way of looking at it:
The bighand and littlehand scale indicates minutes past the hour
This turned out to be a really great question. Thanks Civonamzuk
Our youngest mathematicians could have a good chance of working this out (as CPhill shows you - thanks Chris) yet we are shown so many other ways as well.
Thanks Fiora for you algebraic method. Did you actually get an answer with that?
Alan I really like your graph. The graph itself is easy to understand (for me anyway) the first mod fuction for the minute hand is okay but I don't think I would have gotten the second mod function.
Modulus arithmetic - just something else I am not very good at. ://