
How much is 3mgs per kg if subject weighs about 185-190lbs

 Sep 7, 2014

Best Answer 


This is a medicine question Aziz.

It means,

If a person is to be dosed 3mgs for each kg that he weighs,

how many mgs to you give to a person that is 185-190lbs.

First you have to change the pounds to Kg

There are 2.2 pounds in a Kg so that will be 190/2.2 = 86kg

3*86 =259mg

So the correct dose is near enough to 260mg     

 Sep 8, 2014

I am not sure how you could have 3 mg/kg...

 Sep 8, 2014
Best Answer

This is a medicine question Aziz.

It means,

If a person is to be dosed 3mgs for each kg that he weighs,

how many mgs to you give to a person that is 185-190lbs.

First you have to change the pounds to Kg

There are 2.2 pounds in a Kg so that will be 190/2.2 = 86kg

3*86 =259mg

So the correct dose is near enough to 260mg     

Melody Sep 8, 2014

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