
how do you change a number to a fraction

 Mar 13, 2017

Best Answer 


Well you can do what liveevillevi did, but....

Another (and better) way to do it is to find two numbers that when divided equal the original number.

So if i want to put 6 into a fraction, I can say 18/3. 

 Mar 13, 2017

you take the number and put it over 1. SO I have the number 45, and I want  it in fraction form. It will be 45 over 1

 Mar 13, 2017
Best Answer

Well you can do what liveevillevi did, but....

Another (and better) way to do it is to find two numbers that when divided equal the original number.

So if i want to put 6 into a fraction, I can say 18/3. 

Pasplox Mar 13, 2017

That is probably what your teacher wants :)

 Mar 13, 2017

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