
Kenny spent 1/4 of his money on a bag. He spent $120 on a belt and saved the rest. He spent twice as much money as what he saved. How much money did Kenny save?

 Aug 4, 2023

To find out how much money Kenny saved, we need to analyze the given information step by step.

Let's assume Kenny's total amount of money is represented by "x."

According to the problem, Kenny spent 1/4 of his money on a bag. This means he spent (1/4)x on the bag.

Next, we are told that Kenny spent $120 on a belt. So, the total amount of money he spent on the bag and belt is (1/4)x + $120.

We also know that Kenny saved the rest of his money after buying the bag and belt. Therefore, the amount he saved can be calculated as x - [(1/4)x + $120].

The problem states that Kenny spent twice as much money as what he saved. So, we can set up an equation:

(1/4)x + $120 = 2 * [x - ((1/4)x + $120)]

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of x, which represents Kenny's total amount of money:

(1/4)x + $120 = 2x - (1/2)x - $240
Multiplying through by 4 to eliminate fractions:
x + $480 = 8x - 2x - $960
Combining like terms:
x + $480 = 6x - $960
Subtracting x from both sides:
$480 = 5x - $960
Adding $960 to both sides:
$1440 = 5x
Dividing both sides by 5:
$288 = x

Therefore, Kenny had a total of $288.

To find out how much money Kenny saved, we substitute this value back into our earlier expression:

Amount saved = x - [(1/4)x + $120]
Amount saved = $288 - [(1/4) * $288 + $120]
Amount saved = $288 - [$72 + $120]
Amount saved = $288 - $192
Amount saved = $96

Hence, Kenny saved $96.

 Aug 4, 2023

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