
The harmonic mean of two positive integers is the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of their reciprocals. For how many ordered pairs (x, y) of positive integers is the harmonic mean of x and y equal to 20? 🍺

 Jul 11, 2024

Just realized the answer. I got confused on whether (35, 14) and (14, 35) should be counted as 1 or 2

 Jul 11, 2024
edited by threepointonefourone  Jul 11, 2024

We can set variables to solve this problem. 

First, let's let the reciprocals be \( 1/x ,1/y \)


The arithmetic mean of the two numbers are \( [ 1/x + 1/y] / 2 = [ x + y] / [ 2xy]\)


This means the harmonic mean is \( [ 2xy] / [ x + y] \)


Now, we write an equation. Since the harmonic mean must eqaual 20, we set the equation up. 

Now, we put x in terms of y. We have

\(2xy / [ x + y ] = 20 \\ xy / [ x + y] = 10 \\ xy = 10x + 10y \\ yx - 10y = 10x y ( x - 10) = 10x \\ y = 10x / [ x - 10]\)


I counted 7 numbers. Not sure if that's right. 


Thanks! :)

 Jul 11, 2024

I counted
(20, 20)

(35, 14)

(30, 15)

(60, 12)

(110, 11)

(11, 110)

(12, 60)

(15, 30)

(14, 35)

threepointonefourone  Jul 11, 2024

Of course you are going to get errors if you can't read or use... hm... less than optimal solution methods. The equation rearranges to \((x-10)(y-10) =100\).

Holtran  Jul 12, 2024
edited by Holtran  Jul 12, 2024

I graphed it, and made sure for all integers x from 11 - 20 (10 doesn't work) that there is no integer B such that 1/10 - 1/x = 1/B

 Jul 12, 2024

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