I know a way by which i can make i can get total of 120 by using five zeros 0,0,0,0,0 and any one mathematical operator. Do you?
The operator is the factorial (!).
The operator is the factorial (!).
The plus sign (+) is also a mathematical operator, so you've used two operators. No cookie for you!
He didn't say only one mathematical operator, so it means I can use two ones.
And, if you're so smart Anonymous, find a way you can do it using one mathematical operator.
Good luck !
I found two other ways (the second is a little bit tricky, since a 8 is formed by a 0 put atop another 0)
"any one mathematical operator" - any one means ONLY one
That is a quote from the question.
It doesn't matter though - I liked your answer :)
I like you second answer too.
I would like to see anon do it with ony one operator as well LOL
You're right Melody, when I posted it I realized how stupid my remark was
I found a fourth way :
[(0! + 0!)(0! + 0!) + 0!]!=(2²+1)!=(4+1)!=5!=120
But it seems to be impossible to do with only one symbol.
It wasn't that stupid - I can understand your annoyance.
You have presented some really clever answers there :)
Morgan Tud’s solutions:
web2.0calc . com /questions/a-question-you-can-answer#r6
Technically his second answer is only two operators because “NOT” is a logical operator.
You still don’t get a cookie!
Then nobody will get a cookie, because it is impossible to do with only one operator.
And I don't give a d**n if I don't get a cookie, since I have got a full pack.
Is that why you give them away?
The one you gave CPhill looked like it had roach droppings on it.
The first answer [cos(0)+cos(0)+cos(0)+cos(0)+cos(0)]! is right since cos(0)=1, but the second one is wrong (not(0)=-1 so [not(0)+not(0)+not(0)+not(0)+not(0)]!=(-1-1-1-1-1)!=(-5)!=MATH ERROR)