Twice the square of a number increased by five times the product of the number and three more than the number is the opposite of the quotient of six and the number.
Yo you can write this stuff in words, you can write it in numbers. just do it and dont be sarcastic. why do you need help if you can solve it yourself. "just write a formula for it". lol. "if you decide to help me". Lemme help you here. my advice "better be quiet than sarcastic".
Oh. And he reset the title from "Sorry. This is a really HARD problem. Just write a formula for it. (If you decide to help me). I can solve the rest".
Guest#1, Guest#2, Guest#3, and myself...y we gotta be haters.
\(\text {Let the number be (n) then } \cdots\\ \small \text { }\\ \underbrace {\small \text {Twice the square of a number}} _ {\large \bf 2n^2 }\ \underbrace {\small \text {increased by}} _ {\large \bf +}\ \underbrace {\small \text {five times the product of the number and three more than the number}} _ {\large \bf 5(n)(n+3)}\\ \\ \underbrace {\small \text {is}} _ {\large \bf =} \underbrace {\small \text {the opposite of}} _ {\large \bf -} \underbrace {\small \text { the quotient of six and the number}} _ {\large \bf 6/n}\\ \text{ }\\ \text{ }\\ \hspace {7cm} \bf 2n^2+5(n)(n+3) = -6/n \\ \)