
The line y=(3x+20)/4 intersects a circle centered at the origin at A and B. We know the length of chord AB is 20. Find the area of the circle.

 May 8, 2021

I'll admit that  this one  baffled  me  for a moment, too.....but


(1)  First find  the distance between  the origin and the line using the formula  in the other problem


The  equation of the line  can  be  re-wriiten as


4y = 3x + 20


3x - 4y +  20  =  0


l  3(0) - 4(0)   +  20 l  / sqrt  ( 3^2 + 4^2)  =


20  / sqrt 25


20 / 5   =   4


Now....if  we  drew a perpendicular  to  the line from the origin  , this would  meet the  chord at its midpoint


And  the  length of the perpendicular   and 1/2  the  chord length form legs of a right triangle with  the  radius of the circle as  the hypotenuse


Using  the Pythagorean Theorm, we  can  find the  radius^2  as


4^2  + 10^2  = r^2


116  = r^2


The  area of  the circle =  


pi r^2  = 


pi * 116  =


116  pi units^2


See the  graph here  :  https://www.desmos.com/calculator/vlrvdecxml


A = ( -10.4, -2.8)    B =  ( 5.6, 9.2)


Checkto see that AB  = 20




cool cool cool

 May 8, 2021

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