Help Me, please!!
Type the answer in paragraph form
In the presence of sulfuric acid, one molecule of ethanol (C2H6O) can react to form one molecule each of water and another product:
(C2H6O →H2O +?)
Using the law of conservation of mass, describe a technique a chemist could use to predict the formula of the unknown product; then use the technique you described to predict the formula of the unknown product.
Since this question states that only the PRESENCE of sulfuric acid is required , it is acting only as a catalyst. If the ethanol breaks down intoo H20 and one other product, due to the conservation of mass, it must be a compound of the two remaining carbon atoms and the four remaining hydrogen atoms: C2H4. This compound is ethylene.
Wow, MB...I gave you the answer in paragraph form as your posted question asked!
C2H6O ----> H2O + C2H4
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