
i need help with all of these ( and pls explain) 



 Sep 20, 2018

a)  Platinum costs $60 for the registration fee and $20 per month

Let C be the total cost for x monts and we have that

C  =  60 + 20x    (1)


b) Super Fit costs $150 for the registration and $10 per month

The cost, C, for x months can be given by

C = 150 + 10x  (2)


c) Platinum  after 1 month would cost   60 + 20(1)  = $80

    Super Fit after 1 month would cost  150 + 10(1)   = $160

So...Tom would  pay less than Edward in the first month

Platinum after 1 year = 12 months would cost  60 + 20(12)  = $300

Super Fit after 1 year would cost  150 + 10(12)  = $270

So Edward would pay less after1 year


d) Set (1)  and (2) equal to find the equalized costs after x  months


60 + 20x = 150 + 10x     subtract 10x, 60  from both sides

10x  = 90    divide both sides by  10

x  = 9  months  they cost the same


e)  If you're in it for the long term, Super Fit is the better deal because the slope of (2)  < slope of (1)

If you plan to only stay in for 8 months, then Platinum is the better deal



cool cool cool

 Sep 20, 2018

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