| Hourly wage | Annual income | Difference between annual wage and federal poverty line | Difference between annual wage and median household income |
Federal minimum wage | $7.25 |
Oregon’s minimum wage | $8.95 |
Average for all occupations | $23.87 |
Marketing managers | $51.90 |
Family-practice doctors | $82.70 |
Veterinary assistants | $11.12 |
Police officers | $26.57 |
Child-care workers | $9.38 |
Restaurant cooks | $10.59 |
Air-traffic controllers | $58.91 |
Data source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2013)
For the last two columns you will need the poverty threshold and median household income......you'll have to use what was given to you for these values or you will have to look them up if they weren't given to you in this or another question....Sorry !
I found (for 2013) that poverty line = 12119 for a single person
and MHI = 51939 Though I do not know if these are the values they want you to use, here is an example
first line 7.25 x 2000 = annul income = 14500 14500 - 12119 = $2381 ABOVE poverty line 14500 - 51939 = 37439 BELOW MHI