
please help with these questions!


 Jan 12, 2020

a   substitute the x and y values of the given points to see if they result in answer of 4

       example 4,8  

                2(8) + - 3(4)  = 4 ?

                 16   -12 = 4      YES        You can do the others the same way


b  do you know how to calculate slope between two points?   slope = rise/run     =  (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)

                  if slopes are equal , lines are parallel and do not intersect

                  if they are NOT equal, lines will intersect at one point

                  if they ARE equal the lines may intersect at infinite points or zero points

                   ......   you will need to see if the y = mx + b   line equations are equal or different respectively....   Try......

 Jan 12, 2020

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