
Can someone pls explain this in an easy way !


On Sunday 845 people went to the zoo. On Monday only 169 people went . What is the percent decrease in the people visiting the zoo on Monday ?

 Sep 30, 2014

Best Answer 


The decrease in the visitor numbers on Monday = 845 - 169 =  676


This as a fraction of the number on Sunday is 676/845

To find this as a percentage just multiply by 100, so the percentage decrease is 100*676/845 = 80%

 Sep 30, 2014
Best Answer

The decrease in the visitor numbers on Monday = 845 - 169 =  676


This as a fraction of the number on Sunday is 676/845

To find this as a percentage just multiply by 100, so the percentage decrease is 100*676/845 = 80%

Alan Sep 30, 2014

Alan I just don't get one thing, why are we dividing 676 by 845 and making a fraction as 676/845 ? That's only what I have a doubt on !

 Sep 30, 2014

You are asked for the decrease in numbers (which is 676) to be expressed as a percentage of the original (i.e. Sunday's) number (which is 845), so you must have decrease/original. Then you simply turn this fraction into a percentage by multiplying it by 100.

 Sep 30, 2014

Oh okay! Thank you Alan, I've understood everything now! I shall give u some points for your helpful answers! Thank you !

 Sep 30, 2014

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