
When comparing the sound measured in decibles, a normal convo between two people measured 60 dB while the threshold of pain from the loud noise is ofter concidered to be 130 dB.

The formula is β=10log(I/Io)

Io =10-12 w/m2

a.) determine how many times louder the intensity of the thrreshold of pain is compaired to the conversation

  I need help solving... 60dB=10log(I/10-12)

b.) if the convo intensity was trippled louder, determine what the new decibel level would be.

 Jun 5, 2014

Best Answer 


With β = 10*log(l/lo)  then l = lo*10(β/10) 

a) lconv = lo*10(60/10) or lconv = lo106       lpain = lo*10(130/10) or lpain = lo*1013

Therefore lpain/lconv = 1013/106 = 1013-6 = 107 .  That is, the intensity at the pain threshold is ten million times greater than at conversation level.


See if you can now do part b)

 Jun 6, 2014
Best Answer

With β = 10*log(l/lo)  then l = lo*10(β/10) 

a) lconv = lo*10(60/10) or lconv = lo106       lpain = lo*10(130/10) or lpain = lo*1013

Therefore lpain/lconv = 1013/106 = 1013-6 = 107 .  That is, the intensity at the pain threshold is ten million times greater than at conversation level.


See if you can now do part b)

Alan Jun 6, 2014

This helped so much actually thanks ! I got 65dB for the seccond answer

 Jun 6, 2014

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