IF bob has 7 apples, and Joe has 3 pencils, how many pancakes will fit on the roof?
Obviously 73 and a half? I don't understand how nobody has tried putting pancakes on their roof. They cook well on a sunny day, but are kind of dirty.
I'm still pulling mosquito legs out of my tongue...
Obviously 73 and a half? I don't understand how nobody has tried putting pancakes on their roof. They cook well on a sunny day, but are kind of dirty.
I'm still pulling mosquito legs out of my tongue...
The correct answer is Stevie Wonder Dragon.
Bob X Joe= Joespeh X Robert -Bill= Stevie
7X3=21 21 X Stevie = Wonder so that means Stevie Wonder is your answer.
Anonymous4338 pls can u explain me how did u get this answer becoz i totally cant understand the ques neither the way how u found out the answer !