
if I only know r and the answer in ncr problem, how can I calculate n?

 Feb 8, 2017

Try using a system of equations.

 Feb 8, 2017

You can't solve for n without more information!!. If you know the answer to the combination, then maybe you can get somewhere. Even so, it would very difficult to solve for n, especially if n is large. Example: nC5 =591,600,030=n! / {[n - 5]! * 5!} =591,600,030. 

You can try to solve for n, but it is very difficult because iteration and interpolation will have to be used to find n. In this example n=150.

 Feb 8, 2017

Agree, but you cn just trial and error it to 'zero' in on n

for n C5 = 591600030      you should know that n is large    start at 100....too small     try 200   too large

150 ?   perfect          n = 150    

ElectricPavlov  Feb 8, 2017

"if I only know r and the answer in ncr problem, how can I calculate n?"


I thought this was an interesting question, and, although there is no direct, closed form solution, it isn't too difficult to produce a systematic iterative method to find n - see below.  I've used k as the number of combinations. i.e. we have ncr(n,r) = k;  so the problem is: given r and k find n.  (Note: the floor(x) function calculates the nearest integer that is less than or equal to x). 


We must have   r <= n <= floor(r*k1/r) , so:



Initial high guess  n = floor(r*k1/r

Initial alternative   m = r  (i.e. chosen such that m is different from n in general)


While |n - m| > 0 do the following

           m = n

           K = ncr(n,r)

           if K = 1 then return n and stop

           else n = floor[ (n - r)*ln(k)/ln(K) + r ]

End while loop


return n



With the example given by Guest#2   r = 5, k = 591600030, this routine returns n = 150.

 Feb 9, 2017

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