there is 4 possible answers to this question
it all depends on the month and the kind of year were in, either normal or leap
January=5,580 Pounds (31 days)
Febuary (Normal Year)=5,040 Pounds (28 Days)
Febuary (Leap Year)=5,220 Pounds (29 Days)
March=5,580 Pounds (31 Days)
April=5,400 Pounds (30 Days)
May=5,580 Pounds (31 Days)
June=5,400 Pounds (30 Days)
July=5,580 Pounds (31 Days)
August=5,580 Pounds (31 Days)
September=5,400 Pounds (30 Days)
October=5,580 Pounds (31 Days)
November=5,400 Pounds (30 Days)
December=5,580 Pounds (31 Days
How To Find The Possible Answers:
January, March, May, July, August, October, December (Each Have 31 Days): 180×31=5580 Pounds
April, June, September, November (Each Have 30 Days): 180×30=5400 Pounds
Febuary (Normal Year=28 Days): 180×28=5040 Pounds
Febuary (Leap Year=29 Days): 180×29=5220 Pounds
Q: If You Earn 180 Pounds A Day, How Many Do You Earn After 1 Month?
A: All Of The Above, The Month To Choose Is Your Choice
there is 4 possible answers to this question
it all depends on the month and the kind of year were in, either normal or leap
January=5,580 Pounds (31 days)
Febuary (Normal Year)=5,040 Pounds (28 Days)
Febuary (Leap Year)=5,220 Pounds (29 Days)
March=5,580 Pounds (31 Days)
April=5,400 Pounds (30 Days)
May=5,580 Pounds (31 Days)
June=5,400 Pounds (30 Days)
July=5,580 Pounds (31 Days)
August=5,580 Pounds (31 Days)
September=5,400 Pounds (30 Days)
October=5,580 Pounds (31 Days)
November=5,400 Pounds (30 Days)
December=5,580 Pounds (31 Days
How To Find The Possible Answers:
January, March, May, July, August, October, December (Each Have 31 Days): 180×31=5580 Pounds
April, June, September, November (Each Have 30 Days): 180×30=5400 Pounds
Febuary (Normal Year=28 Days): 180×28=5040 Pounds
Febuary (Leap Year=29 Days): 180×29=5220 Pounds
Q: If You Earn 180 Pounds A Day, How Many Do You Earn After 1 Month?
A: All Of The Above, The Month To Choose Is Your Choice