
In 2000 the rate for firs class U.S. postage stamp increased to $0.34. This represents a $0.31 increase since 1917. What is the percentage of increase since 1917?

 May 31, 2016

The price in 1917 must have been:   34 cents - 31 cents = 3 cents........so....the % increase is given by:


 ([Current cost  - Old cost] / Old cost  x 100 - 100) %   =


( [ 34  - 4]/ 3  x 100 - 100 ) %  =


( [ 31/3] x 100  - 100) %  =    about 933.33%   increase



cool cool cool

 May 31, 2016

.34 - .31=.03 the cost in 1917

.34/.03 =11.3333..... - 1 =10.3333 x 100 =1033.33% increase since 1917.


CPhill: If you use the method of subtracting the old from the new and dividing by the old, such as you have done, you do not subtract 1 or 100%. You do that only if you use the method I used above.

So, in your calculation: 31/3 X 100=1,033.33%.This is the increase since 1917.

Proof: 933.33/100 +1=10.3333 X 3=31 cents- current price of stamp (your method.)

           1,033.33/100 +1 =11.3333 X 3 =34 cets-current price of stamp (my method.)

 May 31, 2016

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