In a lake the amount of fish can be calculated by using the formula F = 1500 - 900/1+0,2t.
F is the amount of fish and t is the time in weeks with t = 0 being january 1st.
a. Calculate how much the amount of fish has increased after the first year. (this is my calculation but i'm not sure if it's right.)
F = 1500 - 900/1+0,2t
1500 - 900/1+0,2*52
1500 - 900/11,4
1500 - 1421 = 79
b. Give a equation of the horizontal asymptote of the graph of F
c. What does horizontal asymptote mean
d. The graph of the formula of F also has a vertical symptote, explain why the vertical symptote doesn't really mean anything.
Sorry, English isn't my native language but this assignment is confusing me
Thank you for the reply. I'm Dutch! I'm kind of fluent in English but sometimes the terms I use aren't really correct to use in math, sorry for that. Also a. and d. were easier than I expected, I should've thought more about it haha
I don't quite get what the horizontal sympote stands for though. Could you explain please?