
In a right-angled triangle, the sum of the squares of the three side lengths is 1800. What is the length of the hypotenuse of this triangle?

 Aug 10, 2019

In a right-angled triangle, the sum of the squares of the three side lengths is 1800. What is the length of the hypotenuse of this triangle?


call the legs a and b and call the hypotenuse c


                                       given           a2 + b2 + c2 = 1800


by the Pythagorean theorem              a2 + b2 = c2


substitute c2 for a2 + b2 in original     c2 + c2 = 1800


combine terms                                    2c2 = 1800


divide both sides by 2                         c2 = 900


take square root of both sides            c = sqrt 900 = +30


discard the negative root                     c = 30


 Aug 10, 2019
edited by Guest  Aug 10, 2019

This is simply 3 - 4 - 5 triangle scaled up by a factor of 6 as follows:


[3 x 6 ]^2 + [4 x 6]^2 =[ 5 x 6]^2

  18^2      +   24^2      =   30^2

             900                =  900

For a total = 1,800

 Aug 11, 2019

\(a^2+b^2=c^2\\ a^2+b^2+c^2=1800\\ so\\ 2c^2=1800\\ c^2=900\\ c=30units \)


The hypotenuse is 30 units long.

 Aug 11, 2019


Meloody, why did you post this answer which is exactly like the answer I posted yesterday?  I'm not being accusatory or anything like that; I genuinely want to know why.  Thanks. 


Guest Aug 11, 2019

Probably to check and confirm your work.

Guests are notorious for posting wrong answers, errant logic, and just plain blarney and bullshit. 

There a few longtime guests who perpetually do this very thing. I call them the BBs. I can usually recognize them because they all write with quills. One of them often commands his computer to write with a quill –it never seems to run out of ink. And the BBs never seem to run out of BS.




GingerAle  Aug 11, 2019
edited by GingerAle  Aug 11, 2019

Yea sorry


There were 2 answers and they were different.


It often takes less effort to answer a question then it does to check the answers that are already there.


I do appologize though, your answer was a very good one and it was rude of me  to not acknowledge it. 

To be honest I did not even look at your answer, other than to recognise that 30 corresponded to my answer. 

I did give you a point in acknowledgment but I do not consider that that was enough.

All I can do is offer you my appology.


Why don't you join up and then you will get a reputation for being a reliable, good quality, answerer.   laugh

Melody  Aug 11, 2019

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