
Here guys, after some extensive research (2 minutes), I found this java code that will convert any LaTeX-wrapped text on your screen into real rendered latex. INSTANTLY, in ONE CLICK. Follow the steps below PRICISELY.


1. You first create a bookmark (anywhere), and name it anything you want. Copy the code below.


2. Then, you right click on the bookmark, and go to EDIT.


3. In the URL section, copy and paste the code below. Then click the blue button "save"


javascript:(function(){function e(e){var t='.MathJax .mn {background: inherit;} .MathJax .mi {color: inherit;} .MathJax .mo {background: inherit;}';var a=e.createElement('style');a.innerText=t;try{a.textContent=t}catch(n){}e.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(a);var i=e.createElement('script'),o;i.src='//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.0/MathJax.js?config=TeX-MML-AM_HTMLorMML.js';i.type='text/javascript';o='MathJax.Hub.Config({tex2jax:{inlineMath:[[\'$\',\'$\']],displayMath:[[\'\\\\[\',\'\\\\]\']],processEscapes:true}});MathJax.Hub.Startup.onload();';if(window.opera)i.innerHTML=o;else i.text=o;e.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(i)}function t(t){if(t.MathJax===undefined){e(t.document)}else{t.MathJax.Hub.Queue(new t.Array('Typeset',t.MathJax.Hub))}}var a=document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'),n,i;t(window);for(n=0;n



4. To render the latex, CLICK the bookmark to activate.

Any latex on your screen will be rendered, and you can instantly see what the Guest is trying to say.


This method is called a "bookmarklet", where you use a bookmark to run a java code to temporarily edit the site or screen you're currently on. Reloading will nullify the effects, it is similar to inspect element.


It is super useful and funny, you can play games on your screen with a single click. You can mess up an entire site. You can make it snow on your screen. Its pretty cool. Bookmarklets

 Nov 10, 2019


 Nov 10, 2019

Following the same steps, you can also make it "snow" on your computer with this code:


javascript: (t => { function i() { this.D = function() { const t = h.atan(this.i / this.d); l.save(), l.translate(this.b, this.a), l.rotate(-t), l.scale(this.e, this.e * h.max(1, h.pow(this.j, .7) / 15)), l.drawImage(m, -v / 2, -v / 2), l.restore() } } window; const h = Math, r = h.random, a = document, o = Date.now; e = (t => { l.clearRect(0, 0, _, f), l.fill(), requestAnimationFrame(e); const i = .001 * y.et; y.r(); const s = L.et * g; for (var n = 0; n < C.length; ++n) { const t = C[n]; t.i = h.sin(s + t.g) * t.h, t.j = h.sqrt(t.i * t.i + t.f), t.a += t.d * i, t.b += t.i * i, t.a > w && (t.a = -u), t.b > b && (t.b = -u), t.b < -u && (t.b = b), t.D() } }), s = (t => { for (var e = 0; e < p; ++e) C[e].a = r() * (f + u), C[e].b = r() * _ }), n = (t => { c.width = _ = innerWidth, c.height = f = innerHeight, w = f + u, b = _ + u, s() }); class d { constructor(t, e = !0) { this._ts = o(), this._p = !0, this._pa = o(), this.d = t, e && this.s() } get et() { return this.ip ? this._pa - this._ts : o() - this._ts } get rt() { return h.max(0, this.d - this.et) } get ip() { return this._p } get ic() { return this.et >= this.d } s() { return this._ts = o() - this.et, this._p = !1, this } r() { return this._pa = this._ts = o(), this } p() { return this._p = !0, this._pa = o(), this } st() { return this._p = !0, this } } const c = a.createElement("canvas"); H = c.style, H.position = "fixed", H.left = 0, H.top = 0, H.width = "100vw", H.height = "100vh", H.zIndex = "100000", H.pointerEvents = "none", a.body.insertBefore(c, a.body.children[0]); const l = c.getContext("2d"), p = 300, g = 5e-4, u = 20; let _ = c.width = innerWidth, f = c.height = innerHeight, w = f + u, b = _ + u; const v = 15.2, m = a.createElement("canvas"), E = m.getContext("2d"), x = E.createRadialGradient(7.6, 7.6, 0, 7.6, 7.6, 7.6); x.addColorStop(0, "hsla(255,255%,255%,1)"), x.addColorStop(1, "hsla(255,255%,255%,0)"), E.fillStyle = x, E.fillRect(0, 0, v, v); let y = new d(0, !0), C = [], L = new d(0, !0); for (var j = 0; j < p; ++j) { const t = new i; t.a = r() * (f + u), t.b = r() * _, t.c = 1 * (3 * r() + .8), t.d = .1 * h.pow(t.c, 2.5) * 50 * (2 * r() + 1), t.d = t.d < 65 ? 65 : t.d, t.e = t.c / 7.6, t.f = t.d * t.d, t.g = r() * h.PI / 1.3, t.h = 15 * t.c, t.i = 0, t.j = 0, C.push(t) } s(), EL = a.addEventListener, EL("visibilitychange", () => setTimeout(n, 100), !1), EL("resize", n, !1), e() })()



remember! Click to activate!

CalculatorUser  Nov 10, 2019


tommarvoloriddle  Nov 10, 2019

Some questions, 

1- I already have a bookmark, do i still need to create a new one? If so how? (Google chrome tho) 

2-I click right click on the bookmarks that i have but no "edit button shows..) 

 Nov 10, 2019

You can use any bookmark currently.



Edit may not appear because you aren't using Chrome. It depends on the browser you have.




Just paste the code into the URL section.

CalculatorUser  Nov 10, 2019

Wow thanks! it worked!! 

Guest Nov 10, 2019

btw, how did you know that lol. 

Guest Nov 10, 2019

The internet is the source of all my dark magic, without it I will be powerless.

CalculatorUser  Nov 10, 2019

i think this is awesome! 

 Nov 13, 2019

thx that really helped

 Nov 13, 2019

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