Draw a 3 m x 3 m square. On the diagonal is a line corner to corner: y=x. Under that is a line enclosing a area with the function y=x^3/9.
How is the steps to integrate y bar: (integ ydA)/(integ dA)
I assume you want to find the area between y= x and y =x^3/9
We have
∫ x - x^3/9 dx =
[x^2/2 - (1/36)x^4] from 0 to 3 = [3^2/2 - (1/36)3^4 ]= 9/2 - 81/36 = [162 - 81] / 36 = 81/36 = 9/4 = 2.25 sq units
Here's another interpretation of the question:
However, this interpretation makes the Y(x) = x somewhat irrelevant, so it's quite possible this is not what was wanted!
Where does y2+((y1-y2)/2) dy = dA come into the workings shown by CPhill?
Also was his answer showing the equation for numerator and denominator or just the numerator? Seems like the later.
I want the centroid location x bar and y bar of the uncommon area. I don't think it has been answered right.
hi Albert,
My answers keep disappearing - I shall try again
I did not answer this in the first place because I did not understand the question.
DO YOU want to find the area between the curves y=xandy=x39 for x=0 to x=3 ?
(I think that this was CPhill's assumption)
[You were logged on when I published this :/ ]
If it's the coordinates of the centroid of the area between the two curves that you want, then see the following:
What the H**L???
How was I supposed to know WHAT you wanted???
I certainly didn't see the word "centroid" anywhere in your question...!!!
I thought you were wanting the area between the curves {silly assumption on my part...}
If you want a specific thing......maybe you should INCLUDE that specific thing when you post.....!!!!
Hear, hear Chris! I agree !!
We are not paid to be mindreaders - oh, I just remembered, we are not paid at all! LOL
I still have to assimilate what a centroid is exactly.
Melody, if we have a plane of equal thickness, the centroid can be thought of as the "balance point" of the plane.
I should have specified the area between.
Y bar and equation for the location of the centroid in the Y axis is writen in my question. All answers were fine and helpful. The inside area makes sense and makes a good assumption CPhill.
And how much posts have you all answered, if you had a question you could ask and simply wait for a reply or ask for terms such as y bar to be clarified. We are all at fault here but sarcasm ain't friendly.
I can understand it now from answers Cheers.