
is -0.8 less than -1.4

 Jul 6, 2014

Best Answer 


No, -1.4 is less than -0.8.

Although it may seem like -1.4 is bigger than -0.8, we have to remember that these are negative numbers.

Here are the two numbers on a number line:

Here you can see that -1.4 is to the left of -0.8, so it is smaller than it.

 Jul 6, 2014

no because the lower the number in negatives the larger it really is so if you were to look at a number line -0.8 will be closer to 0 while the -1.4 is farther to the left which makes it a smaller number 

 Jul 6, 2014
Best Answer

No, -1.4 is less than -0.8.

Although it may seem like -1.4 is bigger than -0.8, we have to remember that these are negative numbers.

Here are the two numbers on a number line:

Here you can see that -1.4 is to the left of -0.8, so it is smaller than it.

NinjaDevo Jul 6, 2014

Good job, snip3s and nice graphic ND......points and thumbs for both...!!!

BTW, ND......how DO you generate graphics like that??....very impressive....!!!



 Jul 6, 2014

Thanks, CPhill.

I usually just google what I want a picture of. (In this case, I just googled "number line generator")

Then, if I want to edit the picture at all, I just use a paint program I have on my computer called paint.net

It's not necessarily meant for math editing, but I like the different paint options it has. Here's the link to their website if you want to check it out: http://www.getpaint.net/index.html

 Jul 7, 2014

I'm sorry, I did a number line before I opened the question so I didn't realise that you had already done one Ninja.

I can't bear to let mine go to wast so here it is.

On number lines the bigger number is always on the right.

Like 2 is bigger than 1

So here you can see that -0.8 is bigger than -1.4


I'll have to take a look at what Ninja used for his numberline.  I agree it is a good one!  Thanks for the info and thumbs up from me.  

Maybe you could add it, with a covering blurb, to your information pages etc thread

I did mine with GeoGebra.


 Jul 7, 2014

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