Lets try and prove this. I am going to do it by contradiction.
√10=pq10=p2q2p2=10q2Sop2$isamultipleof10$so p is a multiple of 10Letp=10g(10g)2=10q2100g2=10q210g2=q2Soq2$isamultipleof10$$soqisamultipleof10$$Ihavediscoveredthatpandqarebothmultiplesof10$
Therefore p and q are not relatively prime
therefore the original statement is contradicted
therefore √10 is irrational.
I have said that since p2 is a multiple of 10, p must also be a multiple of 10. WHY is so.
Well the prime factors of squared numbers must come in pairs.
Lets look at an example
10 is the product of 2 prime numbers
Can you see how if p^2 is a product of 10 then p must also be the product of 10?