
Three family members shared the cost of buying a flat equally. Adam used 1/2 of his savings, Bill used 6/7 of his savings and Carl used 3/4 of his savings. Bill and Carl had $44 820 left after paying for the flat.

(a) How much did the flat cost?

(b) How much does each of them have at first?

 Apr 2, 2022

It's actually easier to answer (b) first


Let A  =  the amount that Adam started with

Let B  = the amount that Bill started with

Let C = the amount that Carl started with


We know that, since each paid an  equal amount, then

(1/2) A  = (6/7)B = (3/4) C

Which implies that

A =  (2/1)(6/7)B =  (12/7)B

C =  (4/3)(6/7)B = (24/21)B  =  (8/7)B


And we know that  

(1/7)B + (1/4)C   =  44820


So....subbing for C ,we have


(1/7)B   + (1/4)(8/7)B  =  44820

( 1/7)B + (8/28)B = 44820

( 1/7)B + ( 2/7)B =  44820

(3/7)B =  44820      mult both sides by 7/3

B = 44820 (7/3)   = $104580     what  Bill started with

A= (12/7)(104580) = $179280     what Adam started with

C = (8/7)(104580)  = $119520   what  Carl started with


And the flat cost

(6/7)(104580)  + (1/2)(179280)  +  (3/4)(119520)  =


$89640   + $89640   + $89640   = 





cool cool cool

 Apr 2, 2022


Let C - total rest of the flat

     x  - Adam's savings

     y - Bill's savings

     z - Carl's savings

Thus we know

C = 1/2x + 6/7y + 3/4z

Where 1/2x = 4/7y = 3/4z

Because the three of them shared the cost equally.

Now, y + z - 6/7y - 3/4z = 44,820

         1/7 + 1/4z = 44,820,

Since 6/7y = 3/4z,

         z = 4/7 (y)

         z = 8/7y


       1/7y + 1/4 (y) = 44,820

       1/7 + 2/7y = 44,820

       3/7y = 44,820

            y = 7/3 (44,820)

            y = 104,580

Since z = 8/7y

          z = 8/7 (104,580)

          z = 119,520


Since 1/2x = 6/7y,


      x = 2(6/7)y

      x = 12/7y

      x = 12/7 (104,580)

      x = 179,280

Now, the total cost of the flat is

C = 1/2x + 6/7y + 3/4z

C = 1/2 (179,280) + 6/7 (104,580) + 3/4 (119,520)

C = 89,640 + 89,640 + 89,640

C = 268,920


Thus, the answers should be

(a) $268,920

(b) Adam's savings: $179,280

      Bill's saving: $104,580

      Carl's savings: $119,520

 Apr 2, 2022

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