
Hello...I want to get help, but I'm homeschooled and my parents don't want me to.  I have no friends, no one to go to or call w/out my parents knowing...and that would be bad.  My family hates me and no one loves me.  They say I'm fat...I'm 125 lbs!  They say I'm selfish and self-centered when I try to commit suicide!  They say I'm stupid...and I get mostely A's!  I don't understand what's wrong with me!!!!!!!!  I just want someone to love and accept me for who I am...SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!!!  I'm only 15...I'm scared and have nowhere to go.  SAVE ME!!!!! 

 Sep 3, 2014

Best Answer 


I love you and God loves you too:)  God Bless!

 Sep 8, 2014

Hey man, I'll be your friend. I promise i'm not trying to sound creepy lol. Is there anything you need help with?

 Sep 3, 2014

Yes there is...actually.  Don't say you're my friend, then stab me in the back later.  I would love to have you as a true friend...It gives me one thing in the world to live for...What's ur name?  Mine is Caroline.

 Sep 3, 2014

Don't worry... tobeyface!

 Sep 3, 2014

Caroline you really need to get an account here.  It is very easy you do not have to give any personal information at all.  Once you have an account then you will have access to our private message system and you will be able to chat privatly to other members.  When you are talking to an anonymous person you don't really know if it is the same one each time.  If you befriend a member then they will be the only one who can use their username so you will know better who you  are talking with.  

 Sep 3, 2014

Jesus loves you and always will:) Any questions about God just message me im always there to help! :)

 Sep 3, 2014

My name is Ryan, and I am being honest about what I said earlier. If need be I can give you my number and you can contact me if you ever need help. Promise.

 Sep 3, 2014

It's okay don't take your life cause other people tell you who you are you are the only one who can say who you truly are no matter what some is alway watching down on you keeping you safe don't make that for nothing you are you and that's okay they need to change not you you are perfect the way you are.

okay from chris need anything anytime just ask someone's bound to help no matter what you look like how you look you and only you can tell people who you are. Stay here on earth please we love you. πŸ˜€πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜€πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸ’­no matter what okay Caroline.

 Sep 3, 2014

Look up the song freak flag okay it so inspirational it will help you get through this okay

 Sep 3, 2014

Ryan you are so nice:)

 Sep 3, 2014

Hey...It's me...Thnx Ryan.  I'm just happy to know someone out there actually cares about me...And thnx everyone else... @Jaggy16 I am a Christian...just really struggling with my faith and stuff...I do actually have a question, How could God do this to me?!?!?!  And I don't want the Isaiah quote, "God has a perfect plan for your life."  Everyone says that... When I was 13, the only human being who ever loved me, died all because some stupid doctors messed up.  After that, I went totally blind for an entire year and alll the doctors told me is that they don't know...now I suffer from constant headaches and my whole family hates me...  My dad hates me all b/c I'm his firstborn and not a boy.  I get 6-12 hours of sleep a week and i get told that no one loves me everyday...and then they turn around and tell my sisters how much they love them.  I don't understand.  And now...my dad my dad's dying and i can't even get to know him b/c he pushes me away...earlier today we figured out that he also has serious heart issues...besides the cancer stuff that's k*****g him...WHAT DO I DO?  HOW CAN I GO ON LIVING?  How can you guys be so nice to me and you hardly even know me, and the people that have known me all my life hate me????  How could you love a mistake like me?

 Sep 3, 2014

Wow! I am so sorry for whats happening! God doesnt do those things... Only Satan does, he came to steal k**l and destroy but God came to give us life!   The only thing you can do right now is pray and ask god to give you comfort... He will never leave you nor forsake you! Dont give up for you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength! We dont always know why God lets the devil do things but we do know that good will come out of it after this life is over! If you stay strong now God will deffinately grant you treasures in Heaven! For apostle paul went throough pain and suffering yet he was Gods beloved! Just stay strong in christ and never give up

 Sep 4, 2014

PS: I am homeschooled as well! :)  

 Sep 4, 2014

thnx, Jaggy16.  I just feel so alone...

 Sep 4, 2014
Best Answer

I love you and God loves you too:)  God Bless!

Jaggy16 Sep 8, 2014

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