
Hey people...I need help.  Last night was terrible.  Dad didn't come home and mom was yelling at me... A LOT!!!  I feel so angry.  Why?  Why does my family hate me?  How could you guys love a person like me???  It wouldn't effect your life if i blew my brains out right now!  Your life would go on just like it has...So why do you care?  I try to talk to mom and tell her how I feel, but she just gets mad and yells at me.  What did I do to them?  I can't help that I'm a girl...I can't help that I'm the firstborn.  I want them to love me for who I am.  WHY DOES THE WORLD HATE ME!!!!!!!!

 Sep 4, 2014

First of all this is not the forum to post your " Personal Problems", this is a maths forum wheer only Math or Math related problems can be done!


And secondly as u seemneeding some help i'll help u!they dont hate u , its just the situation which is giving u a hard time not your parents!They dont hate you , and if u wont be there its not that they wouldnt miss u they'd miss u lots and now also they love but they just dont show their feelings!i think u should understand this!


u should do things that make your mom happy and then when shes in a good mood u can tell or talk to her about your feelings!


 Sep 4, 2014

i think i made a big mistake answering this question!i really hate answering such questions becoz some anonymouses r so rude and now once when i have aswered this question ive made a big mistake!but im just ignoring it now and waiting for the moderators to delete it!


 Sep 4, 2014

Hi...it's me, Caroline T.  Why are people so mean???  I try my best, okay, Mr. Anonymous!  I try.  I've already tried k*****g myself twice!  I think the only thing holding me back is the fear thatit won't work again...I need help!  It's not your fault, Rosala

 Sep 4, 2014

oh ok thanks!actually i wasnt gonna reply but...i just thought that maybe u are serious and really need an advice!so seriously , have u tried k*****g yourself?i cant believe that!how could u do that!life is the most precious gift given by God and look what your doing to yourself!why dont u just ignore all the problems sadness going on in your house and mostly remain out of the house and hangout with friends n all and try to be happy!


 Sep 4, 2014

@Rosala Hi...It's me, Caroline. I don't have any friends...They all left me when I was bullied last year and told everyone all my secrets and rejected me...I can't get out of the house 'cause I have nowhere to go...My dad's dying and Everyone in my family hates me because I'm the firstborn and a girl...literally they tell me everyday.  The only human who loved me died when I was 13 b/c some stupid, dumb doctors messed up on a simple procedure...So, I don't have anyone and everyone hates me...give me one reason why I should live.  No one cares...they didn't care when I tried to k**l myself...didn't even cry.  They never get me any help and I basically have no one...

 Sep 4, 2014

Caroline , why dont u register , through that way then we may message and i may be able to help u!becoz i think its not god for us to discuss your problems on a Maths forum and as much as i know its probably against the rules!so what do u say??maybe i can help u!


 Sep 4, 2014

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