
jim and emily have 5 sacks of corn , and they want to share them out betwween 8 chicken coops, so that each coop gets (about) the same amount of corn they do not have any weighing or measuring apparatus available. jim says i just have to judge 5/8ths of a sac as best we can. Emily says i know a better way using egyptian fractions


What method would emily be planing to use?

 Nov 9, 2016

I just read about this...and it's kind of interesting....here's the method


Take 4 of of the sacks and empty approximately 1/2 of each sack into each coop....then....each coop holds 1/2 of a sack


Now...there is one sack remaining....split this in half so each part is 1/2 of a sack...now....split each of these parts in half...so each part is now 1/4 of a sack.....finally....split each of the 4 parts in half so that each part is 1/8 of a sack (approximately)


So......add each 1/8 sack to each of the 8 coops.....and each coop now holds (approximately)  1/2 + 1/8  = 4/8 + 1/8 =  5/8 of a sack.....




cool cool cool

 Nov 9, 2016

omg thankyou XD So stuck with my maths homework 

 Nov 9, 2016

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