
John believes that the amount of sleep he gets the night before a test and his score on that test are inversely related. On his first exam, he got eight hours of sleep and scored 70 on the exam. To the nearest tenth, how many hours does John believe he must sleep the night before his second exam so that the average of his two exam scores is an 80?

 Jul 20, 2022

Best Answer 


To average an 80   he must score a 90  on the  second exam


So....in the first case


8 =  k / 70   where k is the proportionality constant


70 * 8 =  k =  560


So....in the second  case


90 =  560 / S     where S is the hours of sleep


S  = 560 / 90  =  56/9   ≈  6.2 hrs of sleep 




cool cool cool

 Jul 20, 2022

The answer is 90*8/70, which rounds to 10.3.

 Jul 20, 2022
Best Answer

To average an 80   he must score a 90  on the  second exam


So....in the first case


8 =  k / 70   where k is the proportionality constant


70 * 8 =  k =  560


So....in the second  case


90 =  560 / S     where S is the hours of sleep


S  = 560 / 90  =  56/9   ≈  6.2 hrs of sleep 




cool cool cool

CPhill Jul 20, 2022

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