

For his art project, Julian wanted to make a pixel art by completely covering the 2-feet-by-3-feet poster board with colored stickers that measure 1.5-inches-by-1.5-inches without any overlap.How many stickers would Julian need?

 Jan 24, 2021

For his art project, Julian wanted to make a pixel art by completely covering the 2-feet-by-3-feet poster board with colored stickers that measure 1.5-inches-by-1.5-inches without any overlap.How many stickers would Julian need?


Hello Potatobird!


\(2ft\cdot 3ft\cdot \frac{12^2\cdot inch^2}{ ft^2}:(1.5^2\cdot inch^2)=\color{blue}384\)

Julian needs 384 stickers.

laugh  !

 Jan 24, 2021
edited by asinus  Jan 24, 2021

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