Why was the newest Microsoft update Windows 10 and not Windows 9?
Because Windows 7 8 9. (If you don't get it, read it out loud.)
1.\(\sqrt{-1} \;8 \; \sum \; \pi \text{ and it tastes really good.}\)
2.\((P+L)(A+N) = PA + LA + PN + LN\\ \text{ Your plan has FOILed}\)
3.\(\text{An opinion without }\pi\text{ is just an onion.}\)
4. \(\text{5 out of 4 people have problems with fractions.}\)
5. Q)Why is the acute triangle always upset?
5. A)Because it is never right.
7. A pizza with radius z and depth a has a volume of \(pi\cdot z\cdot z\cdot a\)
8. Q) Why did the chicken cross the mobius strip?
8. A) To get to the same side.
11. Q)Why was the Maths teacher late?
11. A) He took the rhomBUS!!
12. Don't be mean. Be median or mode.
13. Q) What do baby parabolas drink?
13. A) Quadratic FORMULA!!
14. \(\sum \text{ people like Maths puns, }\sum \text{ don't}\)
I like those faces especially the real face and the imaginary face. !!! :D
But I am stuck on the traslation of h and i :(
I'm gong to try and remember that rhombus one! LOL hahaha :)
I don't know that too...... (h) and (i)......
My favourite one is the tangerine one though XD
I laughed so hard when I saw this image and I immediately input it in here.
P.S.: I made up the 'Don't be mean' one myself. Hope no one has posted it on the Internet faster than me :P