
Hello Everyone! This is ETERNITY, and I wanted to create a $\LaTeX$ guide for everyone to use in their solutions, problems, etc.


I hope you find this useful!




All right, so let's start with the basics of $\LaTeX$.


To do it, you first must know what to surround your answers in. There are two types of $\LaTeX$, and each type can also be written in 2 different ways.


To create an inline $\LaTeX$ notation, like you see $\sqrt{here}$, surround your code in dollar signs, for example, $$.


Now that you know how to actually start a LaTeX code, I'll tell you a few basic commands.


Basic command #1: \sqrt. As you might 

have guessed from the wording, \sqrt{number here} creates a square root! If you put that in $$, then it creates $\sqrt{12345}$!


Basic command #2: Well, it's not a command. Just put a variable, say, x, or a number, say, 2, in $$. You get $x$ and $1$. Wow... Look at that font! It actually looks like a variable now!


Basic command #3: \times. This one is relatively simple. Just put that in $$, and you get $\times$. It's a multiplication sign! You no longer have to use x and confuse that up with the variables!


Basic command #4: \frac and \dfrac. The wording suggests a fraction. The only difference is that \frac{numerator}{denominator} is smaller when written inline. Here is \dfrac, written inline: $\dfrac{1}{2}$.


Basic command #5: ... There isn't much else you need to know anymore. If you still have questions, you can either ask me in the comments or search it up on the internet!




Now that you know what $\LaTeX$ is and some basic commands, it's time to teach you some more advanced ones.


Advanced command #1: \sqrt. Wait a second... Didn't we already go over this one? Well, yes, we did, but there's one more feature we didn't include yet. Our paste square root command was just \sqrt{}, but what if we change it to this? \sqrt[]{}. We've added a square bracket. Let's see what happens if we put a 3 in there. $\sqrt[3]{5555}$ Oh look! It's a cube root!


Advanced command #2: \cdots. You might not be using this command often. But it's still useful to know. For example, how would you write 1+2+3+4+...+99+100 in Latex? Seems impossible. But that's where \cdots comes into play. Try putting 1+2+3+\cdots+99+100 in the dollar signs. It gives the equation $1+2+3+\cdots+99+100$! That looks way better!


Advanced command #3: Not inline $\LaTeX$. This is especially useful when you want to create a different line and center everything in one step. Just put 2 dollar signs on each side instead of just one on each sides. For example, $$\textsf{This sentence was written using \textsf and is not inline.}$$



So that's it for now! There was so much I couldn't add, but this will have to do for now.


I hope this helped! angel

 Nov 12, 2020

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