I have no idea how to use the inverse of cosine when working problems involving the Law of Cosine. I can do it on a normal calculator but when I try to type it in on this one it won't give me an answer. What am I doing wrong?? Example problem- - a=27 b=19 c=24 Solve ABC
 Jan 30, 2014

I have no idea how to use the inverse of cosine when working problems involving the Law of Cosine. I can do it on a normal calculator but when I try to type it in on this one it won't give me an answer. What am I doing wrong?? Example problem- - a=27 b=19 c=24 Solve ABC

I typed it into the web2 calc and this is what I got.
I solved for angle ABC

140130 Cosine rule.JPG
 Jan 30, 2014

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