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Hi everyone,


i know im posting this after a very long time but the reason for it was that i was quiet busy not getting any time and just a lot of homework and posters to be made that were to be submitted the other day!I dont know why teachers give us posters to make when they r not put on any wall where the public can read , we just have to waste so much time just for MARKS!


but anyways, now i have some laughs for u all!


Dog Action!


Why do they sell such SCARY things!


So i hope u dont want to get tall anymore!


Remarkably clever!but poor lady!


So i dont know what to say for this!just.........pls dont k**l english!


i think the refrigerator is an athelete!


Nothing else to say except..........look at todays kids!


I think thats a lil mean!


Just say this to your teacher and make a good show for your classmates to see!


So hope u liked it all!


i have something for u all!


My friend " Lets End The Day With A laugh " wants to say something to you all!


Lets End The Day With A Laugh :  Hello everyone!i am sorry i have been missing for so many days!Actually my creator was a lil busy so she could make me!but now i have come as she has got some time and so now i may bring a smile on your face!I hope i entertain you all very well!And btw i forgot to say the returning words " IM BACK" !so have a nice week all of you!Bye"


I hope u enjpyed the talk with my friend!


On the top answerers list , i have noticed something, some of the answeres are going high and high in an unbelievable speed!


And their names are Aziz Husain , who just surpassed everyone within some days and didnt even let anyone know that!And NinjaDevo , i think my homework has favoured you!And DragonSlayer , climbing the hill with all his might!And even kitty, i see you have returned to protect your points!


So i would like to congratulate all of you for your such high points!Hope u climb higher and higher the tree of top answeres!But i think CPhill and Melody are siting very comfortably and protected on their branches and nobody will be ever able to surpass them!i think they had made points investments very long ago for this moment!


Anyways have a nice time all of you!


hope u liked my post!



And the one CPhill special!


 The Tri-Smile 

 Aug 27, 2014

Loved the humorous pics, rosala....and I agree......what's the point of making posters if no one can SEE THEM???......what a waste of time...!!!!

If Melody and I don't start answering more questions, we might get "passsed" one day !!!.....I think you young guys are just too fast for us !!!!


 Aug 27, 2014

i think so!But dont worry it may take years to pass you both becoz both of u are still climbing though slowly!

 Aug 27, 2014

Nice comical images! The dog one reminded me of National Dog Day which was yesterday here!  I like the ears one, too haha. Funny stuff, Rosala! 


I hope to answer more questions, too. Good to get back into math mode. I wonder if I can get classmates to visit this website, too!


Random alert: In <16 years, there is supposed to be a big earthquake in California known as "The Big One!"

 Aug 27, 2014

Don't tell your classmates, Aziz....we have enough competition on here!!!  (Just kidding...eveyone's welcome on the forum !!! )

California DOES seem to have it's share of  "natural" (and some, un-natural) disasters, doesn't it?? Last Fall, my sister and I couldn't drive from Sequoia National to Yosemite because of the wildfires !!!!



 Aug 27, 2014

Yep, wonder how it'll be with 100+ people online! Crazy stuff then...maybe the website will be recognized by educational organizations!


Oh, yes, definitely. California has too much going on. Drought, earthquakes, wildfires...all of which are worsened by climate change. Yes, the forests are susceptible and hopefully can predict the next fires!


Interesting fact: One of my professors works on predicting fires in the Amazon...so cool although it sounds kind of odd.

 Aug 27, 2014

Thanks Rosala 

 Aug 28, 2014

Your Welcome Melody!


And................im happy you liked my post Aziz!thank you!


 Aug 28, 2014

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