
Hi everyone,

Today ive got something new for you all that is totally created by me ! actually my this post was supposed to be posted a couple of days before but due to a list of reasons i couldnt post it !But now i'm back so im posting it!

You know , i love writing poems and i have written a lot of them which were mostly related to nature,my life situations, my feelings and people's behavior and all that !And so i thought to share one with you all too but then after soemtime i got an idea which said "why not I write a poem on this forum only " !and after thinking deeply through it i decided to write a poem on this forum ! 

So heres the poem!

                                                   The Most Unique Place

I came to this place                                                                                                                              

Like a new unknown user                                                                                                                      

And became so much introduced                                                                                                            

That now i'm one of the top answerers                                                                                                    

I know the people very well                                                                                                                    

Especially Melody and CPhill !                                                                                       


Melody is the best guardian                                                                                                                    

And so friendly that if                                                                                                                            

Installed in a computer                                                                                                                          

She can remove all the virus                                                                                                                  

CPhill is her great helper                                                                                                                        

And is present wherever theres danger                                                                                                

He is like that one single move                                                                                                                

Which can shake the whole forum                                                                                                          

By his unbelievable answers!                            


All these were the simple ones                                                                                                                

The one whoose always there for fun                                                                                                      

His name is Zegroes , the most famous one                                                                                            

The unique one who hates roese                                                                                                            

Along with la                                                                                                                                        

But loves GODZILLA                                                                                                                              

Along with Maths and his fun                                                                                                                

Gave him a place and a star in the top answerers !


This is not all                                                                                                                                    

Theres one,who unwraps his daily lunch                                                                                                  

The one whoose called Reinout-g                                                                                                          

Whos mostly busy                                                                                                                              

In spite of being mostly busy                                                                                                                

He still posts his unwraps                                                                                                                      

For all of us to see and                                                                                                                        

Praise him heartly!


And this is not all                                                                                                                                  

We also have a Ninja,who beats all                                                                                                        

Not with his fighting skills                                                                                                                      

But Mathematics one , which are really special and unique ones                                                                  

His name is not just Ninja,but NinjaDevo                                                                                                

He is so fast and clever                                                                                                                        

That no one even sees,when he gave the answers! 


And to make all work in a lovely order                                                                                                    

Here we have with us Admin,who does a lovely work                                                                                

In advising as well as checking!                                                                                                              

And the one who has the knowledge of most                                                                                          

His name is Alan,the quite and the sharp minded one!


And all those users                                                                                                                              

Who are there to ask and answer                                                                                                          

Are all so sweet and nice                                                                                                                        

That i cant even remember their names                                                                                                  

In my mind!


But the greatest person of all                                                                                                                

Without whom we'd all be unknown                                                                                                        

Is the creator of this place                                                                                                                    

Who has given us these respects                                                                                                          

His name is Andre Massow                                                                                                                    

And he is the BEST!


By Rosala!

I hope u all have liked my poem , in fact its all about u all only!

Here is another thing created by me which i thought might be a lil fun!


I know that you know that you like the poem and i too know that you too know that u'll give the points and i know that you dont know that if you dont give them then you'll never be free from this confusion land!

Im sure that your sure that i am kidding but im sure that your not sure that im not kidding and that you dont know what i know is that you'll never be free from this confusion land!

By Rosala!

So that was all totally by me!I hope u like my creation!lol!

So have a happy ending of your day!And Zegroes you can come back here and see this again when ur day is about to end!

Hope you like it!

 Jul 5, 2014

Best Answer 


i knew that melody about what you were referring to ! its just that i couldnt say or mistakenly didnt say it to Zegroes in proper words but still girls of my age or aroung or smaller than my age dont call the other girls beautiful,whether its inner beauty or outer beauty,and you know why (becoz they just like to call themselves beautiful!) !

i am happy you liked my poem , actually i was a little nervous about writing it and showing to you all becoz i thought what if no one likes it!but i'm happy you liked it!

thank you very much !And a thumbs with 5 points  from me for your beautiful words!

 Jul 7, 2014

Too bad its all outta wack so i cant read it right .............Oh yeah you said melody and CPhill you know well........ what about poor zegroes

 Jul 5, 2014

omg ! i wrote it all with so ahrd work and look at the turnout!

 Jul 5, 2014

Lol you know what they say hard work never pays off lol ok no they dont......... As for your poem i dont know try getting rid of the spaces

 Jul 5, 2014

YAAY!it worked my formula!Right now i prayed to god to make everything all right and see he did it!

I hope u all like my poem!

 Jul 5, 2014

Not a horrible poem just because i was in it of course.I guess it deserves a THUMBS DOWN!..........Just kidding no need to get on me dinosaur zegrose gave roseroes a thumbs up.

 Jul 5, 2014

oh thank you soo much Zegroes!Yuo definitely had be in the poem , becoz all the nice people are included there!

 Jul 5, 2014

That is beautiful Rosala. Thank you.

You forgot The Ghost Of  Web2.

I remember he said to you one time that you were the flowers in Spring.   Or something like that anyway.

I suppose it is hard to remember everyone and the ghost is a bit elusive. 

You are a beautiful person Rosala.  :-)

 Jul 5, 2014

Thank u Melody!and for anyone not to feel left out i added something to the 2nd last para!

but still thank u very much!

 Jul 5, 2014

See we were just talking about that see melodys a girl and she basically called you beautiful.

 Jul 5, 2014

yes she did but girls of my age dont call each other that!

 Jul 5, 2014

I was not referring to Rosala's outer beauty although i am sure she is very pretty.

I was referring to her inner beauty!   

Rosala has a beautiful personality.

I also really liked your poem Rosala!

 Jul 7, 2014
Best Answer

i knew that melody about what you were referring to ! its just that i couldnt say or mistakenly didnt say it to Zegroes in proper words but still girls of my age or aroung or smaller than my age dont call the other girls beautiful,whether its inner beauty or outer beauty,and you know why (becoz they just like to call themselves beautiful!) !

i am happy you liked my poem , actually i was a little nervous about writing it and showing to you all becoz i thought what if no one likes it!but i'm happy you liked it!

thank you very much !And a thumbs with 5 points  from me for your beautiful words!

rosala Jul 7, 2014

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