
why is there no pair of linear functions that can multiply together to result f(x)= x^2+1

 Mar 21, 2016

Best Answer 


why is there no pair of linear functions that can multiply together to result f(x)= x^2+1


There is a pair of linear functions: 

\(\begin{array}{rcll} x^2+1 &=& (x-i)\cdot (x+i) \qquad & | \qquad i \text{ is the imaginary number} \end{array}\)


\(\begin{array}{rcll} x^2+1 &=& (x-i)\cdot (x+i) \\ &=& x^2 - i^2 \qquad & | \qquad i^2 = -1 \\ &=& x^2 - (-1) \\ &=& x^2 +1 \end{array}\)



 Mar 21, 2016
Best Answer

why is there no pair of linear functions that can multiply together to result f(x)= x^2+1


There is a pair of linear functions: 

\(\begin{array}{rcll} x^2+1 &=& (x-i)\cdot (x+i) \qquad & | \qquad i \text{ is the imaginary number} \end{array}\)


\(\begin{array}{rcll} x^2+1 &=& (x-i)\cdot (x+i) \\ &=& x^2 - i^2 \qquad & | \qquad i^2 = -1 \\ &=& x^2 - (-1) \\ &=& x^2 +1 \end{array}\)



heureka Mar 21, 2016

Mmm thanks  Heureka,

most kids here have not ever dealt with imaginary numbers so I think the question refers only to real numbers.


Lets see.


why is there no pair of linear functions that can multiply together to result f(x)= x^2+1


I am just thinking here....

Let the 2 linear functions be  f(x)=ax+k      and     g(x)=mx+b    where a,k,m, and b are all real numbers.


\((ax+k)(mx+b) = amx^2 + abx  + kmx  + kx\\ (ax+k)(mx+b) = amx^2 + (ab+km)x  + kb\)



Now we want this to equal x^2+1

\(amx^2 + (ab+km)x  + kb =x^2+1\\ \)

Equating coefficients

am=1     a=1/m


bk=1      b=1/k


ab+km=0    1/(mk) +km=0          1/(mk) = -mk      

This is impossible becaus one side will be negative and the other will be positive.

Neither m nor k can be zero becasue you cannot divide by 0.


Hence 2 linear functions cannot multiply to give   x^2+1   

(not in the real number system anyway )     :))


While the outline of what I have done should be correct my layout is very poor.

Perhaps someone can present it better ??

 Mar 21, 2016

Let's suppose that there could be.....call the functions


f(x)  = ax + b      and  g(x)  = cx + d


So ......   a and c must be reciprocals and so must b and d....so we have


(ax + b) ((1/a)x + (1/b)  = 


x^2 + (b/a)x + (a/b)x + 1      


And this = x^2 + 1


Which implies that


[ (b/a) + (a/b)]    = 0


Which implies that


[b^2 + a^2] / ab   = 0


Which implies that


b^2 + a^2   = 0


But this is only possible if a and b  = 0


But....if a and b = 0 


Then f(x)  =  0x +  0   = 0


And   g(x)   = (1/0)x + (1/0)


Thus :   f(x) * g(x)   = 0 times an undefined expression   ....which could never be any function!!!




cool cool cool

 Mar 21, 2016

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