My name is Pro. Markway and i want to let you all know that Jesus Loved you:)
 Dec 9, 2013
Thank you but we all know jesus loves us. If he didn't he wouldn't of died for us. Anyways my name is professor Veronica Nice to meet you
 Dec 9, 2013
Nice to meet you too:) Some people on here cuss though and thats not Godly... Just putting it out there!
 Dec 9, 2013
Everyone has their own opinions and you know, I'm catholic so in my eye's only god can judge them. We have no right no judge because that isn't our life but yet again everyone is different. If the use explict words than that's up to them but a bad job on their parents for raising them o become such potty mouths. Do you have any math issues you'd like to discuss or personal questions regarding to life and such..? I can be your friend, tutor, and or therapist. Which ever makes you feel more comfortable and to make you feel even more comfortable I'll be turning 21 in 28 days so I'm still young and know what teens and such go through so don't feel alone. And if you're older than me please forgive me because it's my fault for assuming only teens use this sight
 Dec 9, 2013
Yes, I am a 14 year old! But i am a First Assembly of God Christian where we believe in speaking in toungues
like the apostles did, i speak in other tongues as well! i love the lord and want my every foot step to be unto the Lord! I want to be a light in this dark world and preach to everyone about his love:) i am doing science right now but when i get to math i will ask you some questions because i am already doing High Level Algebra in 8th grade since im homeschooled:)
 Dec 9, 2013
Well good I'm glad Jesus is good haha and we speak about it every Sunday,Wednesday, and Friday! I teach a youth group and they are strong kids believe me or not haha and 14 ? I graduated high school at that age! And homeschoolers are always the best whenever you need help I am here for you, in any subject
 Dec 9, 2013
You graduated high school at 14?????? you must have been pretty smart! lol!! Im not your typical nerdy homeschooler im in my teen group and popular! A lot of homeschoolers are nerdy, lol!
 Dec 9, 2013
I don't like to brag but I guess you could say I'm really smart haha And not all homeschooler's are nerdy :p But sure you keep thinking your're popular I'm only teasing though. So may I ask..? Are you male or female? haha I'm going with my gut and by your name as well male right.? Anyways I have a son who is 2. People thought a girl who got pregnant in her teens wouldn't be as successful as I am but I proved them wrong with the smarts I have I know that came out of no where but we all need to let out bits and pieces out about us. So tell me about yourself
 Dec 9, 2013
Im a girl actually.... Thats my code name, lol!! How old were you when you had ur baby? Married? Well im in 8th Grade, I love the outdoors and want my life to be for god:) Im thinking about going to Mizzou for college:)
 Dec 9, 2013

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