
If lottery has 100 numbers and I get to choose 50, what are the odds for hitting it? and what are the odds for hitting atleast 1 number?

 Oct 6, 2016

The chances of getting the jackpot (all right):

1st ball: 50/100 chance, because there are 50 'right b***s' and 100 b***s in total.

2nd ball: 49/99 chance, because there are 49 'right b***s' and 99 b***s in total.

3rd ball: 48/98 chance, because there are 48 'right b***s' and 98 b***s in total.


50th ball: 1/51 chance, because there is 1 'right ball' and 51 b***s in total.

Chance of jackpot=\(\frac{50}{100}*\frac{49}{99}*\frac{48}{98}...*\frac{2}{52}*\frac{1}{51}\)

Which is very close to 0 (Even the calculator gives a 0 as the result, but it's not exactly 0).


The chance of getting at least one ball is 1-(getting no correct numbers)

Getting no correct numbers:

1st ball: 50/100, because there are 50 'wrong b***s' and 100 b***s in total.

2nd ball: 49/99, because there are 49 'wrong b***s' and 99 b***s in total.


Wait, this is exactly the same probability to get the jackpot!

Then, (Getting at least 1 ball right)=1-(some number almost close to 0).

So you are almost guaranteed to get at least one ball right... but definitely not a jackpot!

 Oct 6, 2016

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