
Lylinatte has 13 solow cups fore   her party. she needs to get 304 more. she also needs to get 200 paper plaites. paper plaits cost 3 dollors for 23 plaites. cups cost 4.50 fore   20 cups pls halp! she is considering gettng plaztic silvarwear but for 50 it costs 10 dollirs. how much silvarwares can she get the   without going over 267 dollors?? PLASE HALP

 Oct 25, 2016

Let's figure out how many packages of Solo cups she need to buy

304/20 = 15.2    She will need 16 packages to acquire 304 more cups

16 x $4.5 = $72 for cups


Plates  200 plates/(23plates/$3)=  $26.09 for plates


$72 + 26.09 = $98.09


She can spend $267- 98.09 = $ 168.91


She can buy 16 packages of plastic silverware  (16 x $10) = $160    which is less than the 168.91 she had left after buying Solo cups and plates.

 Oct 25, 2016

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