
Brayden is investing $1,617 in three different stocks: Zycodec, Unix, and Xenon. He will invest 40% of the total between Zycodec and Xenon in the Unix stock. Twice as much as the investment in Zycodec will be given to Xenon. How much will Brayden invest in the Unix stock? 

 Jan 5, 2017

Best Answer 


Brayden is investing $1,617 in three different stocks: Zycodec, Unix, and Xenon. He will invest 40% of the total between Zycodec and Xenon and the rest in the Unix stock. Twice as much as the investment in Zycodec will be given to Xenon. How much will Brayden invest in the Unix stock?


40% x 1617 = 648.80 Split between  X and Z stock.

2/3 is invested in X   1/3 in Z  =    431.20 in X   215.60 in Z


1617 - 648.8 = 968.20 in U stock

 Jan 5, 2017
Best Answer

Brayden is investing $1,617 in three different stocks: Zycodec, Unix, and Xenon. He will invest 40% of the total between Zycodec and Xenon and the rest in the Unix stock. Twice as much as the investment in Zycodec will be given to Xenon. How much will Brayden invest in the Unix stock?


40% x 1617 = 648.80 Split between  X and Z stock.

2/3 is invested in X   1/3 in Z  =    431.20 in X   215.60 in Z


1617 - 648.8 = 968.20 in U stock

ElectricPavlov Jan 5, 2017

Solve these:

(1)   Z + U + X = 1617

(2)   U = 0.4 * (X - Z) (did I understand "40% of the total between Z and X" right?)

(3)   2Z = X


(3) in (2)  U = 0.4 * (2Z - Z) = 0.4 Z

(1) : Z + 0.4 Z + 2 Z = 1617

       3,4 Z = 1617

             Z = 1617/3.4 = 475.58


(3) : X = 2Z = 475.58*2 = 951.176

(2):  U = 0.4 * Z = 0.4*475.58 = 190.232 




Edit: the other answer might be correct 

 Jan 5, 2017
edited by Guest  Jan 5, 2017

x =   amount in Zycodec

2x  =  amount in Xenon

.40( x + 2x) =  .40(3x) =  amount  in Unix


( x + 2x)  +  .40(x + 2x)  =  1617


3x  + .40(3x)  = 1517


3x + 1.2x  = 1617


4.2x = 1617


x = 1617/4.2  = $385


.40(3*385)  =  $462 =  amount  in Unix



cool cool cool

 Jan 5, 2017

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