
Jack drove 33 1/2 miles. He used 1 1/4 gallons of gasoline. What is the unit rate for miles per gallon?


I know that you have to convert 33 1/2 to 66/2 and 1 1/4 to 5/4 and I get 165/4 which converts to 41 1/4. What am I doing wrong? 

 Dec 2, 2016
edited by Guest  Dec 2, 2016
edited by Guest  Dec 2, 2016
edited by Guest  Dec 2, 2016

Best Answer 


First   33  1/2   =   67/2  miles


  and  1 1/4 = 5/4  gallons...you got that right


Miles per gallon is   m/g       67/2 miles   /   5/4 gallons   =  67/2  x  4/5  =  268/10 ===  26.8 mpg

 Dec 2, 2016
Best Answer

First   33  1/2   =   67/2  miles


  and  1 1/4 = 5/4  gallons...you got that right


Miles per gallon is   m/g       67/2 miles   /   5/4 gallons   =  67/2  x  4/5  =  268/10 ===  26.8 mpg

ElectricPavlov Dec 2, 2016

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