
A concession stand sells bags of popcorn
for $3.00 and cotton candy for $2.00. A
customer purchased bags of popcorn as
well as cotton candy and spent $12.00.

1. Write an equation that models the
situation. Let y represent the
number of popcorn bags. Let x
represent the number of cotton
candy bags.

2. Graph the scenario on a coordinate
plane. Be sure to include a title and
label each axis (both with numbers
and an axis title). Make sure you
have at least two points clearly
labeled and have connected the
points with a line (using a straight

3. If the customer bought 0 bags of
popcorn, how many bags of cotton
candy were purchased?

4. If the customer bought 0 bags of
cotton candy, how many bags of
popcorn were purchased?

5. If the customer bought 2 bags of
popcorn, how many bags of cotton
candy were purchased?

 Feb 2, 2021

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