
All Harriet wants for her

12th birthday is a Dwarf Hamster,

maybe even more than one so the

hamster won’t get lonely. To prove to

her parents how responsible she can

be, she bought a cage that has a

12-inch by 2 ½ foot floor space and

even did some research on the

needs of Dwarf Hamsters. Harriet

found that each Dwarf Hamster

requires at least ⅔ square foot of

living space. How many Dwarf

Hamsters can live in the cage Hariet


 May 26, 2021
edited by Guest  May 26, 2021

12 inches = 1 foot

so the cage has an area of   L x W =  1  x  2.5 = 2.5 sq ft


2.5 sq ft / (2/3 sqft per hamster ) =  2.5  * 3/2  = 7.5 / 2 = 3.75 hamsters    Basically enough room for 3 Dwarf Hamsters

 May 26, 2021

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