What is the yearly growth percent from 1980-1997 if 1980 had a population of 4429,9 million and 1997 had a population of 5819,6 million? Also, what is the expected yearly growth percent from 1997-2015 if the population is 7101,4 in 2015?
What is the yearly growth percent from 1980-1997 if 1980 had a population of 4429,9 million and 1997 had a population of 5819,6 million? Also, what is the expected yearly growth percent from 1997-2015 if the population is 7101,4 in 2015?
1997 - 1980=17 years
5819.6/4429.9=1.31370 - 1=.31370 X 100=31.379% Growth in pop. over 17 years.
1.31370^(1/17)=1.01618 - 1=.01618 X 100=1.618% annual percentage growth.
7,101.4/5,819.6=1.22026 cumulative growth from 1997-2015
1.22026^(1/18) =1.01112 - 1=.01112 X 100=1.112% average annual growth between 1997-2015.