.7813 into a proper fraction, like how can i get it to 25/32?
 Jan 25, 2014

.7813 into a proper fraction, like how can i get it to 25/32?

0.7813 has 4 digits after the decimal point so if you change it to a fraction it will be over 10,000 (4 zeros see)

= 7813 / 10,000 this cannot be simplified because no number goes into both 7813 and 10,000!

Now. I think that 0.7813 has been rounded off to 4 decimal places. Originally I think it was 0.78125

0.78125 has 5 digits after the decimal point so when I change it to a fraction, it will be over 1 with 5 zeros. that is

78125 / 100,000

I can see straight away that 25 will go into both these numbers. That's because I know that if a number ends in 00 or 25 or 50 or 75 it will be divisable by 25.
so now I have to divide the top and the bottom by 25
78,125 divided by 25 is 3,125 and
100,000 divided by 25 is 4,000
so now I have

3,125 / 4000
I can see straight away that 25 will go into both these numbers. That's because I know that if a number ends in 00 or 25 or 50 or 75 it will be divisable by 25.
so now I have to divide the top and the bottom by 25
3125 divided by 25 is 125 and
4,000 divided by 25 is 160
so now we have

125 / 160
I can see straight away that 5 will go into both these numbers. That's because I know that if a number ends in 0 or 5 it will be divisable by 5.
so now I have to divide the top and the bottom by 5
125 divided by 5 is 25 and
160 divided by 5 is 32
so now we have

25 / 32

Each time you make the numbers in a fraction smaller like this you are CANCELLING it down.
 Jan 25, 2014

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