
A number cube is tossed 24 times and lands on 1 three times and on 2 four times.
1. Find the experimental probability of landing on 1.
2. Find the theoretical probability of not landing on 1.
3. Find the theoretical probability of landing on 2.
4. Find the experimental probability of not landing on 2.
5. State the difference between theoretical and experimental probabilities.

 Apr 27, 2017

A number cube is tossed 24 times and lands on 1 three times and on 2 four times.

1. Find the experimental probability of landing on 1.

pexp = 3/24 → 1/8

2. Find the theoretical probability of not landing on 1.

ptheory = 1 - 1/6 → 5/6

3. Find the theoretical probability of landing on 2.

ptheor = 1/6

4. Find the experimental probability of not landing on 2.

pexp = (24 - 4)/24 → 5/6

5. State the difference between theoretical and experimental probabilities.

You can use the above to answer this.

 Apr 27, 2017

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