
Tommy had 192 stickers and Terrance had 116 stickers. When each one gave away the same number of stickers, Tommy then had 5 times as many stickers as Terrance. How many stickers did each friend give away?

 May 26, 2022

I hope this is correct.

We use guess-and-check until we find out 95 is 5*19. So the answer is 192 - 95 = 97.

 May 26, 2022
edited by Guest  May 26, 2022

Tommy had 192 stickers

Terrance had 116 stickers

Assume that they have given 'x' number of stickers

Now, no. of stickers tommy had = 192 - x

         no. of stickers terrance had = 116 - x

        Given that Tommy, now have 5 times as many stickers as Terrance

            192 x - = 5 (116 - x)

            192 - x = 580 - 5x

            5x - x = 580 - 192

              4x = 388

                x = 97

Tommy and Terrance had 97 stickers.

 May 27, 2022

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